The idea is to mount a novel low-cost, lightweight and miniature acoustomicrofluidic nebulisation platform onto an unmanned aerial vehicle or miniature autonomous robotic vehicle to autonomously and remotely deliver therapeutics and antidotes via inhalation to incapacitated subjects exposed to hazardous threats rapidly.
The Department of Public Safety Canada is developing a SAR database to enable common storage of Canadian SAR case data whether Ground, Air, or Maritime SAR, since each area of SAR falls under a different jurisdiction in Canada.
Posted on behalf of Prof. Mike Tipton (University of Portsmouth):
Predicting cold exposure survival time on land is a very inexact science. The Cold Exposure Survival Model (CESM) (written by Dr Peter Tikuisis) can, I believe, be used for land predictions, but without knowing much about the circumstances of an accident, it will have very wide confidence limits.
The VDR Float Free capsule is a combine EPIRB and a storage unit with an EPIRB battery capacity of 168 hours at -20*C. This VDR Float Free capsule can also be fitted with a heating bracket so to protect and reduce iceing.
The new draft EU Horizon Europe has a research and innovation (RIA) action entitled "Controlling infection on large passenger ships" (Topic HORIZON-CL5-2021-D6-01-12). The expected results of this action are given below:
For our third ARCSAR Innovation and Knowledge Exchange event we will be concentrating on innovations in training and education.
If you have good ideas, know of any innovations or want to share thoughs on training and education in the Arctic and North Atlantic induced by Covid-19, feel free to post your ideas or comments here prior to the event.